As you may have guessed from my lack of posting, I fell off the raw wagon for a few weeks. Boy, am I sorry, too! Not only did I rapidly gain back almost all the weight I lost, but I started having back pain, fatigue, pubic bone pain, lethargy, and a general bloated feeling. My rings started getting really tight again, and I was not a happy camper.
There are two main reasons I went off the diet. One is, I was getting tired of all the chopping and peeling, and really wanted to do some different type of recipes, which I don't yet have the equipment for (saladacco, Vita Mix). Then, I started having some weird nausea and abdominal pain. I wasn't sure if it could be from the diet, though I didn't think it was. I just started eating anything convenient. The pain didn't go away, though. It progressively got worse, til I ended up in the hospital for a few days for some tests and observations. The tests were all negative--no gallstones, liver problems, ulcers, etc. It wasn't acid reflux, round ligament pain (obstetricians think EVERYTHING is round ligament pain) or morning sickness.
The only thing they can figure out is that it's probably adhesions from a previous surgery. It's the only thing that makes sense. They say since I didn't have a problem with adhesion pain before, I should be better after delivering, when I'm no longer all stretched out (I sure hope so). Until then I'm on Percocet, but I'm trying not to take much. I hate taking any kind of drugs, but in this case, it's necessary. After two weeks of this nauseating pain, I can't function without some kind of relief.
Meanwhile, it took me over a week of false starts to get back on the wagon, after two weeks of eating processed cooked junk. The last straw was after three days of eating sugary stuff (mostly ice cream). All of a sudden, my sugar and chocolate cravings came back with a vengence (they were controllable before that) and my back pain and pubic bone pain were awful...even while on Percocet!! I have no doubt it was the sugar. That just goes to show you how much of a poison refined white sugar is.
Sugar is evil, people! It is an unnatural poison that pollutes our bodies and ruins our emotional and spiritual well-being. Sugar turns you into an addicted, fat glutton. Sugar makes you depressed. God did not make sugar. God made honey, agave, and sugar cane, but not refined table sugar. I kid you not, sugar is straigh from the Devil! (Okay, Evil Sugar rant is over.)
When I finally had enough of the pain, I went back on raw food, last Wednesday. I started by making it easier on myself, and buying pre-cut fruit trays and pre-made salads at the grocery store. They weren't organic, but it would be an easy start. Thursday I went to the raw food restaurant to bring home a couple of meals and goodies. I also stopped at the health food store for some raw trail mix, Lara bars, and various fruit.
My husband wasn't too thrilled at having to throw out all the organic produce that went bad during my three week "slip". Neither was I--all that money, and good food! But I'm back in the game now, and so excited.
My body is taking a bit longer this time to shake the symptoms...possibly because the toxins I ate were more of a shock to my system this time, after being raw a while. Or because I'm on the pain medicine. The good news is, I started losing weight right away, over a pound a day. I had been back up to 287, but now I am 283.6. My rings are looser already. I'd love to be no more than 280 when I have my c-section, which is in 2 1/2 weeks.
Today the back pain is mostly gone, the pubic pain is almost gone, I think, and I'm a lot less sleepy today...which is big, because this medication makes you sleepy. I'm actually feeling pretty jazzed up right now.
One of the best things about going back on this diet is that I can stuff myself on raw to overcome any temptations, which makes going back on the wagon much easier. Really, the first day was the toughest. Today I've just been eating like crazy. But I don't have to worry about it, or even feel guilty, and that is awesome! I made up a dessert, with cashew butter, crushed macadamia nuts, a mashed banana, some raw agave nectar, and some ground raw cacao nibs. It pretty good. And I felt great about eating it, because it is GOOD for me!!
I know once I have the baby and shift into weight-loss mode, I may have to watch my intake of nuts, avocados, bananas, etc. But since I'll be nursing I don't think it will be a real issue, unless I go totally crazy.
I am so committed to this way of eating. I really do enjoy it. I can't wait for my taste buds to continue to change, so I can enjoy even more different kinds of healthier foods. When I eat raw, I feel like I am eating the way God designed me to eat, and that my body is functioning the way it was created to. Finally!
can any one tell me why eating refined sgar , including rice and pasta, gives you lower back ache?
This is coming a bit late, I wasn't keeping up with the blog. I don't know that refined carbs gives everyone back aches, but it does for me. I think eating unhealthy will hurt different people in different ways. Sugar is a product, not natural. It is highly refined. White rice, and white flour (from which most pasta is made) is also highly refined. With flour, all the good stuff is taken out, and then fake stuff is added back in to make up for it.
Also, with any grains, nuts or seeds, they contain an enzyme inhibitor called phytic acid. This makes the nutrients in them mostly unabsorbable. You need to soak or sprout the grains, nuts or seeds to break down the phytic acid, and make the nutrients available. So that makes any commercial flour, even the good whole wheat kind, cause some people problems, which is how some people are diagnosed with celiac disease or IBS.
That's the short version. If you want to learn more, I'd try the book Nourishing Traditions for a basic healthy diet, or Alissa Cohen's Living on Live Food book for information on a REAL healthy diet. Also try her website, www.rawfoodtalk.com, and other sites. And you can read my first few posts for some very basic hows and whys of raw food.
I just discovered after a full year of painful symptoms: extremely itchy skin, lower back pain, headaches & migraines, dizziness, heels tendons pain. joints pain etc etc that sugar is the cause of it all!! Indeed I completely stopped it for 3 days but realised that I still needed a bit of sugar as nausea and dizziness kicked in. I now have a fresh vegetables & fruits diets (the kind of candida diet) and I feel absolutely great!! Most symptoms are gone or almost gone. I am a happy woman now :-)
This cannot be real.
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